Friday, October 01, 2004

Initial Debate Thoughts

- How could anyone older than 10 really have thought that Bush “won” the debate last night. He said being president is “hard work” like 100 times… ummm, you’re the PRESIDENT! We KNOW it’s hard work. That doesn’t excuse yourself from making mistake after mistake. And by saying it’s hard work, isn’t that Bush basically saying that he knows he’s screwed up?

- The television and print coverage that’s resulted from the debate is another indication that this so called “liberal media bias” is complete crap. Bush made about three good points the whole night, while the rest of the time he sputtered over his words and re-iterated the same phrases about hard work and Kerry flip-flopping. The broadcast media generally pulled one of the handful of five second clips when Bush wasn’t fumbling for words or repeating himself. While the print media just re-gurgitated the debate and the talking points from both the Republican and Democtratic post-debate speakers.

- “He forgot Poland!” My favorite Bushism of the night. The statement was in response to Kerry’s comment that Bush didn’t develop a true international coalition for Iraq despite his statements to the contrary. Kerry noted the United Kingdom and Australia were really the only countries that provided meaningful support, which elicited the Poland comment from Bush. No offense to Poland, but its not exactly a superpower that acts as a proof point for Bush in defense that he did create a true coalition.

Stay tuned for more thoughts…

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1 comment:

el duderino said...

Ferguson? Whose Ferguson? I'm El Duderiiiinooooo!

The combination of "My Pulpit" and the thought of Bush being given four more years for screwing up the entire planet has made the blood boil in ED. Hopefully balanced articles based on actual policy debate can be re-instituted in the not-too-distant future.