Friday, July 09, 2004

Stop Looking At Me, Swan

Ack! I'm a terrible blogger. But it's only partly my fault. Mostly Time Warner is at fault as it's they who have provided me with a less than stellar Internet connection from my home. No Internet connection, no El Duderino.

Any-who, my connection has been restored so hopefully the words will return as well. I leave you on this Friday with a quote...

“Money frees you from doing things you dislike. Since I dislike doing nearly everything, money is handy.” - Groucho Marx

Headline Quote Movie of Origin: Billy Madison
Character: Billy Madison
Setting: Billy is in the bath tub cleansing himself. While playing with the shampoo and conditioner bottle, he has a paranoid delusion that a swan is watching him. I, too, have sadly had this same delusion.
The quote is relevant to this story how?: At this early stage of the movie, Billy is not fulfilling his potential as a human being. Mostly he just drinks and hangs out. But, eventually he finds his way and graduates high school and inherits the president title of the family hotel empire, which he then turns down to become a teacher.

I hope to follow the path set forth by Billy. Although I'm not succeeding in my blog endeavor currently, with some perseverance I believe that I can have the same happy ending of Billy Madison, minus the becoming a teacher part.

Contact El Duderino at

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