Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Like House of Pain Was Gonna Do Anything About It

Lost in all of the attention on Iraq, is the unraveling of political stability in Afghanistan, the place that no one denies was an actual hotbed of terrorist activity. While Iraqi elections are still more than three months off, Afghanistan is slated to hold elections for national office in just three weeks.

Unfortunately, the country is in a state of chaos. In just the past week, both the current president and vice-president, who were both appointed members of office and not elected by the general population, have had near misses with a rocket (the president) and a roadside bomb (the vice president). The beheadings that have become a somewhat common occurrence in Iraq have also increased in Afghanistan, adding to security fears. As a result, European nations have now refused to send election monitors, citing a lack of security.

As the Wall Street Journal reports, the problems are similar to those seen in Iraq… a lack of troops. “In Northern Afghanistan, 320 soldiers patrol a territory 1.5 times the size of Bosnia.” Previous news reports suggest that a vast majority of the country is still being controlled by “warlords” and that production of opium continues to increase.

As is the case in many impoverished American neighborhoods, the drug trade provides an economic option that may not be available otherwise, which increases those regions economic dependence upon the warlords. As a stable government would generally be bad for the drug trade, there’s little motivation for the general populace to support stability. Of course, if the Nato- and American-led forces would’ve had a clearer set of priorities and more resources, the warlords would not have had the opportunity to revitalize opium production post the initial invasion of Afghanistan.

This is yet another example of a failed effort by the current administration. When invading Iraq was still in the stages of debate, many officials and pundits noted that the invasion would appear to deflect American’s attention on Afghanistan. That’s exactly what has happened. Now we’re failing miserably on both fronts.

As the topper, in GW’s speech to the United Nations on Tuesday, he re-iterated that Iraq has been a success and that the spread of democracy is the key to ensuring world peace. I wish I lived in his fantasy world. It seems like a nice place.

Headline Quote Movie of Origin: Swingers
Character: Trent, aka Double-Down
Setting: Upon exiting a Hollywood lounge, Sue is shoulder-bumped by a late 90s Vanilla Ice look-alike. After a brief exchange of hostilities, Sue brandishes a handgun and sends the group of ruffians scurrying. Mikey counters with the line, “Haven’t you seen Boyz N The Hood? Now one of us is going to get shot,” to which Sue replies, “I had to save our rep, bro.” That in turn led to the headline quote, “Like fuckin' House of Pain was gonna do anything about it? He's right, Sue. You don't need to carry a gat.”
The quote is relevant to this story how?: The Bush administration is akin to Sue in this scene and House of Pain is representative of the peoples of this world that don’t share in the same ideals as Bush. GW believes that if we pull a “gat” on them and force them to accept our ideals, our rep will be saved and the American people will be safe and happy. BUT, as John Singleton demonstrated in his movie Boyz N The Hood, the more likely response is a further escalation of violence.

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