Monday, May 03, 2004

Fighting Fire with... a Baathist?

The fighting in Iraq has definitely reached a stage where some new and fresh ideas need to be sought, but am I crazy in thinking that assigning power to a former high ranking Republican Guard member might not be the smartest move?

It was reported over the weekend in the NYT that military sources in Fallujah, site of the fiercest fighting, confirmed that they had provided the okay to Jassim Mohammed Saleh, former Baathist, to form a brigade to fight insurgents.

To add further color to the story, it was reported that Saleh said that there were no insurgents in Fallujah and that top generals denied they were allowing Saleh a role in the action. The lines of communication are clearly WIDE open.

There’s an obvious need to train and arm Iraqi forces to take over when the U.S. withdraws but I can’t help but thinking of Iraq (in the war against Iran), Afghanistan (in the war with the former Soviet Union) and the recent turmoil in Haiti as examples of the US arming a faction to help promote American policy only to have those weapons come back to haunt us later.

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